Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Glimpse of Spring

Today it was 56 degrees outside....

(I can see your jaws dropping already)

56 degrees in February...IN NEW YORK!

What a fabulous day! I'm actually wearing shorts! :) I love snow but its starting to get old. I think everybody in New York is feeling the same way as me...the snow started in December and has just kept on coming. I feel bad for those poor WOLBI students up in Schroon! last year when i was up there for school, the snow didnt fully melt until i was already up there for Spring semester...anyway, I'm just thankful for this 56 degree weather because then our ice skating rink of a driveway will melt a little! Every time i set foot on my slippery driveway, i felt like i should have put on ice skates instead of shoes!

Unfortunately, this amazing weather is only lasting throughout today...enjoy it while it lasts!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Where are you?? it's been almost a year since you've written!?